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Sunday, August 12, 2012


पर्यटन भन्नाले अस्थाई रुपमा आएका व्यक्तिहरुको भ्रमण र बसाईद्वारा सिर्जित सम्पूर्ण क्रियाकलाप हरु र घटना हरुको समग्र रुप हो जसमा भ्रमण कर्ता हरु भ्रमण गरेको स्थानमा स्थाई बसोबास गर्दैनन र कुनै नाफा आर्जन गर्ने क्रियाकलाप गर्दैनन.

नेपालको पर्यटन कोइ विकास तथा बिस्तारमा संरक्षण क्षेत्रहरु तथा विश्व सम्पदा क्षेत्रहरुको सम्भावना तथा चुनौतिहरुलाईबुँदागत रुपमा यसरी प्रस्तुत गर्न सकिन्छ

पर्यटनमा पर्ने व्यक्तिहरु

पर्यटनमा पर्ने व्यक्तिहरु

१.       ब्यापारिक प्रयोजनका लागि यात्रा गर्नेहरु
२.       आनन्दकलागी र रमाइलोकलागि यात्रा गर्नेहरु
३.       उदेश्य बैठक वा सम्मेलनमा गएर भाग लिने तर आर्थिक क्रियाकलाप गरि आनन्द लिने हरु
४.       समुन्द्री यात्रा गर्ने हरु

पर्यटन मा नपर्ने व्यक्ति हरु

१.       बसाई सराई गरि बासस्थान स्थाई खादा गरेर बस्नेहरु
२.       दीर्घकालीन रुपमा पेशा,ब्यबसाय गर्न आएकाहरु
३.       एकठाउँबाट अर्को ठाउँमा नियमित जागिर खान जाने हरु
४.       कलेज तथा स्कुलहरुमा पदना आएका बिद्यार्थीहरु

Modern mass media and tourism

1.       Satellite television
2.       Cable television
3.       Videotext
4.       Internet
5.       Teletext
6.       Telecopy
7.       Telebox
8.       Teletax
9.       E-mail

Activities of Annapurna conservation area projects

1.       Natural resource conservation program
2.       Alternative energy program
3.       Conservation education and extension program
4.       Community infrastructure development program
5.       Sustainable tourism management program
6.       Gender development program
7.       Agriculture and livestock development program
8.       Reproductive and general health program
9.       Heritage conservation program

World heritage site of Nepal

1.       Kathmandu valley
a.       Kathmandu durbar square
b.      Patan durbar square
c.       Bhaktapur durbar square
d.      Pashupatinath
e.      Swayambhunath
f.        Bauddhanath
g.       Changunarayan
2.       Lumbini
3.       Chitwan national park
4.       Sagarmatha national park

National parks of Nepal

National parks of Nepal

1.       Khaptad national park
2.       Bardiya national park
3.       Langtang national park
4.       Makalu-barun national park
5.       Rara national park
6.       Shey-phoksundo national park
7.       Chitwan national park
8.       Sagarmatha national park
9.       Shivapuri national park

Conservation areas of Nepal

1.       Annapurna conservation area
2.       Kanchanjungha conservation area
3.       Manaslu conservation area

Wild life reserve of Nepal

1.       Koshi-tappu wild life reserve
2.       Parsa wild life reserve
3.       Suklaphanta wildlife reserve

Hunting reserve of Nepal

1.       Dhorpatan hunting reserve

New conservation areas

1.       Apo nampa conservation area
2.       Black buck conservation area
3.       Garurishankar conservation area

Land for all season tourism

1.       Geographical diversity
a.       Mountain region
b.      Hilly region
c.       Terai region
2.       Climatic diversity
a.       Tropical climate
b.      Temperate climate
c.       Cold climate
3.       Cultural diversity
4.       Other tourism resources

Principles of sustainable tourism

1.       Participation
2.       Conservation of local environment
3.       Sustainable mobilization of local resources
4.       Detail tourism planning
5.       Cooperation
6.       Monitoring and evaluation
7.       Research

Issues and challenges of eco-tourism

1.       Environmental degradation
2.       Loss of socio-cultural characteristics
3.       Pollution
4.       Loss of bio diversity
5.       Excessive melting of snow from Himalayan range
6.       Other issues and challenges

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Diverse elements of eco-tourism

1.       Topographical features of Nepal
2.       Beautiful lakes and ponds
3.       Rivers, rivulets and streams
4.       Green meadows and jungles
5.       National parks and wildlife reserve
6.       Hunting reserve and conservation area
7.       Trekking routes and trekking destination
8.       Socio-cultural factors
9.       Wetlands and bio-diversity
10.   Famous snow covered ridges
11.   Birth place of lord Buddha
12.   Hospitality nature of Nepalese for the guests.

Merits by the eco-tourism

1.       Eco-tourism increase the income level of rural communities and improves living standard
2.       Eco-tourism can be managed through the mobilization of local resources and products
3.       Eco-tourism emphasize to the conservation of rural environment, it doesn’t degrade the environment
4.       Eco-tourism protects heritage and culture of rural communities
5.       Eco-tourism educates the local communities on environmental conservation and management of it
6.    Eco-tourism broadens educational, cultural and environmental conceptual horizon of rural community and improves self-dignity too
7.     Eco-tourism helps to the development of local infrastructures that stimulates for the other activities such as commerce and industry.
8.       Eco-tourism helps to change the traditional concept and thought of rural communities and drives towards the global concept and thought
9.       Eco-tourism helps to eliminate cultural. Class. Gender, racial, religious, etc, barriers from the community.

Basic principles of eco-tourism

1.   Avoid negative impacts that can damage or destroy the integrity of character of the natural or cultural environment
2.       Educate the traveler on the importance of conservation
3.       Direct revenue to the conservation of natural areas and the management of protected areas.
4.       Bring economic benefit to local communities and directs revenues to local people living adjacent to protected areas.
5.    Emphasizes the need for planning and sustainable growth of the tourism industry and seeks to ensure that tourism development doesn’t  exceed the social and environmental carrying capacity
6.       Retains a high percentage of revenues iun the host country by stressing the use of locally owned facilities and services
7.   Increasingly relies, on infrastructure that has been developed sensitively in harmony with the environment minimizing use of fossil fuels conserving local plants and wildlife and blending with the natural environment.

Nature of eco tourism

1.       Nature oriented tourism
2.       Conservation based perspective
3.       Participatory perspectives
4.       Entertainment through natural and socio cultural components


Environmentally responsible travel and visits to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature and that promotes conservation, has low visitor impact and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local population.”

Environmentally responsible travel to experience the natural area and culture of a region while promoting conservation and economically contribution to local communities.”

Values chain analysis

Value chain analysis looks at every step a business goes through, from raw materials to the eventual end user. The goal is to deliver maximum value for the least possible total cost.


·         Activity analysis
·         Value analysis
·         Evaluation and planning

Importance of tourism for entrepreneurship

1.       Employment generation
2.       Formulation of tourist product through the use of local resources
3.       Expansion of market linkage
4.       Upgrade a awareness at local level
5.       Identification and promotion of local tourist destinations
6.       Conduct of tourism related training
7.       Conduct of different tourism related campaigns
8.       Coordination and co-work with government

Four Ps for marketing mix

1.       Product
a.       Special characteristics of products
b.      Size and facilities offered
c.       Staff members and their attitude
d.      Image
e.      Market position

2.       Place
a.       Channels of distribution
b.      Preservation system
c.       Intermediaties
d.      Airlines
e.      Clubs
f.        promotion

3.       Promotion
a.       Advertisement
b.      Sales promotion
c.       Public relation
d.      Personal selling
e.      Broucher
f.        Direct mail

4.       Price
a.       Product quality
b.      Product distinctiveness
c.       Extent of competition
d.      Method of distribution
e.      Character of the market
f.        Cost of the product and services
g.       Cost to distribution
h.      Margin of profit desired
i.         Seasonality
j.        Special promotional prices

Other factors

·         Normal price
·         Promotional price
·         Discountable price
·         Corporate price
·         Wholesale rate
·         Seasonal price

Elements  of marketing mix

·         Programming
·         People
·         Partnership

Elements of marketing mix

1.       Timing
2.       Brand
3.       Packaging
4.       Pricing
5.       Channels of distribution
6.       Product
7.       Image
8.       Advertising
9.       Selling
10.   Public relation
11.   Research
12.   Qualitative service

Market segmentation

Ways of tourism marketing segmentation
1.       Segmentation by the purpose of travel
2.       Product based segmentation
3.       Behavioral segmentation
4.       Demographic segmentation
5.       Geographical segmentation
6.       Psychological segmentation
7.       Socio-economic segmentation

Tourism marketing and its Features

Tourism marketing is the systematic and coordinated efforts exerted by the national tourist organizations and/or the orurist enterprises at international, national and local levels to optimize the satisfaction of tourists, groups of individuals, in view of the sustained tourism growth.

Features of tourism marketing

1.       Tourism is intangible, non-materials products
2.       Tourism demand is highly unstable
3.       Production and consumption of tourist services are closely inter-related
4.       A tourist product is assembled by many producers
5.       Diverse motivations
6.       Dominant role of intermediaries


Marketing is finding out that the consumer wants and selling it to him at a profit.” Carl Designer

Marketing is the management function which organizes and directs all theose business activities involved in assessing and converting customer purchasing power into effective demand for a specific product or service to the final customer or user so as to achieve the profit target or other objectives set by the company.

The identification or creating of customer needs and their after the motivation and coordinated is of all functions within a business that can fill those needs and benefit both the buyer and the seller.

Marketing in tourism is to be understood as the systematic and coordinated execution of business policy by tourist undertaking whether private or state owned at local regional, national or international level to achieve the optimal satisfaction of the needs of identifiable consumer groups, and in doing so to achieve an appropriate return.

Levels of tourism planning

1.       International level of tourism planning
2.       National level of tourism planning
3.       Regional level of tourism planning
4.       Local level of tourism planning

Consequences of unplanned tourism development

1.       Physical impacts
2.       Human impacts
3.       Marketing impacts
4.       Organizational impacts
5.       Other impacts

Systematic steps of tourism planning

1.       Define the system
2.       Gathering data
3.       Analyze and interpret
4.       Create the preliminary plan
5.       Approve the plan
6.       Create the final plan
7.       Implementation of the plan


1.       Assessment of tourist demand and supply
2.       Establishing objectives
3.       Territorial planning
4.       Basic infrastructure
5.       Financial planning
6.       Human resource planning
7.       Administrative structure
8.       Marketing and promotion
9.       Monitoring progress
10.   The time factor

Goals & Objectives of tourism planning

Goals of tourism planning

1.       Satisfaction to users
2.       Increasing reward to owners
3.       Sustainable use of turism resources

Objectives of tourism planning

1.       Physical objectives.
2.       Social objectives
3.       Economic objectives


Planning in its simplest form can be defined as organized rational through that is helpful in the determination of the national objectives.
Planning is defined as the conscious efforts of a central organization to influence, direct and in some cases, even control changes, in the principle economic variables of a certain country or region over the courses of time in accordance with a predetermined set of objectives.
Tourism planning process involves creating a future that is acceptable to the host community as also to others who would be the part of host community as tourist for a short period of time. Since , tourism involves hospitality, the planning for various tourism facilities must be based on the needs of the guests.” - Khan
Planning of the tourism provides a bridge between the present situation and the desire future situation in a destination area.

Global code of ethics for tourism

1.       Tourism contribute to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies
2.       Tourism as a vehicles for individual and collective fulfillment
3.       Tourism a factor of sustainable development
4.       Tourism , a user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its enhancement
5.       Tourism a beneficial activity for host countries and community
6.       Obligation  of stakeholders in tourism development
7.       Right to tourism
8.       Liberty of tourist movement
9.       Right of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry
10.   Implementation of the principles of the global code of ethics for tourism

Significance of tourism for developing countries

1.       Helpful for GDP
2.       Extension of international aid and relation
3.       Development of other industries through the tourism
4.       Development of employment
5.       Helpful for the development of infrastructure
6.       Identify in international level

Friday, August 10, 2012

mpacts of tourism in socio cultural sectors

Positive impacts of tourism in socio cultural sectors

1.       Revitalization of tradition and culture
2.       Great pride in community
3.       Increased demand for local arts
4.       Promotion of international brotherhood and understanding
5.       Social integration
6.       Education value
7.       Cultural exchange

Negative impacts of tourism in socio-cultural sectors

1.       Increase in social crimes
2.       Religious and cultural commercialization
3.       Involvement for religion change
4.       Copy of wrong behavior and culture
5.       Degradation of local culture, norms and values.

Impacts of tourism in economy

Positive impacts of tourism in economy

1.       Earning of foreign currency
2.       Opportunities of employment
3.       Tex collection
4.       Infrastructure development
5.       Balanced development
6.       Possibility of investment

Negative impacts of tourism in economy

1.       Pressure of money inflation
2.       Misuse of national resources
3.       Increase in dependency level

Codes of ethics

1.       Conserve the natural environment, ecosystem and bio-diversity
2.       Respect and support local traditions. Cultures and communities
3.       Maintain environment systems
4.       Conserve and reduce energy, waste and pollutants
5.       Encourage a tourism commitment to environments and cultures
6.       Educate and inform others about local environments and cultures.
7.       Cooperate with others to sustain environments and cultures.

Impacts of tourism in environment

1.       Travel and tourism is the integral aspect of modern societies.
2.       Global awareness of environmental damage os developing rapidly

Motivation towards tourism

Travel motivation

1.       The desire to know more about other countries
2.       The reduction of tension through physical activities
3.       The desire to meet new people and to escape from routine
4.       The desire for recognition, attention and appreciation

Types of tourism

1.       Mass tourism
2.       Holiday /pleasure tourism
a.       Sex
b.      Sand
c.       sea
3.       Domestic tourism
4.       International tourism
5.       Pilgrimage/religious tourism
6.       Historical tourism
7.       Rural tourism
8.       Urban tourism
9.       Eco tourism
10.   Adventure tourism
11.   Business/professional tourism
12.   Health tourism
13.   Sports tourism
14.   Space tourism
15.   Agriculture tourism